เพลง I Will Love And Adore

Verse 1
[I want to meet the Lord]
[Who lives through all eternity]
[I want to see the face]
[Of my beloved, God]
[My strong desire is to be close]
[And to look upon Your beauty]

Verse 2
[I want to sit beside]
[The feet of Jesus Christ, my Lord]
[Standing before the Lord]
[Who is my beloved]
[Just for today, be close to You]
[Is better than a thousand elsewhere]

[I will love and adore, worship You]
[I don't want to be far from Your face]
[I will love and adore, worship You]
[Staying here at Your feet, Jesus]

[Staying here at Your feet, Jesus]

เพลง This Is How We Overcome

Verse 1
Your light broke through my night
Restored exceeding joy
Your grace fell like the rain
And made this desert live

You have turned my mourning into dancing
You have turned my sorrow into joy

Verse 2
Your hand lifted me up
I stand on higher ground
Your praise rose in my heart
And made this valley sing

This is how we overcome
This is how we overcome

This is how we overcome
This is how we overcome
This is how we overcome
This is how we overcome

เพลง Within The Veil

Verse 1
Within the veil, I now would come
Into Thy holy place
To look upon Thy face

I see such beauty there
None other can compare
I worship Thee my Lord within the veil

เพลง Blessed be the Lord God Almighty

Verse 1
Father in heaven how we love You
We lift Your name in all the earth
May Your Kingdom Be established in Our praises
As Your people declare Your mighty works

Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is to come
Blessed be the Lord God Almighty
Who reigns Forevermore