เพลง My Prayer

Verse 1
Our God, our Father in heaven
Hallowed be Your name in all the earth
Jesus, our hearts cry out in prayer
Let Your Kingdom reign in all our life

Let Your Kingdom come as we enthrone You now
Let Your will be done in every heart
Lord let heaven comes on earth
As we declare Your mighty power
Let Your glory fill this earth forevermore

Amen Amen
We give glory and honor to Your name
Amen Amen
We give glory and honor to Your name

Lord let heaven comes on earth
As we declare Your mighty power
Let Your glory fill this earth forevermore

เพลง I Will Love And Adore

Verse 1
[I want to meet the Lord]
[Who lives through all eternity]
[I want to see the face]
[Of my beloved, God]
[My strong desire is to be close]
[And to look upon Your beauty]

Verse 2
[I want to sit beside]
[The feet of Jesus Christ, my Lord]
[Standing before the Lord]
[Who is my beloved]
[Just for today, be close to You]
[Is better than a thousand elsewhere]

[I will love and adore, worship You]
[I don't want to be far from Your face]
[I will love and adore, worship You]
[Staying here at Your feet, Jesus]

[Staying here at Your feet, Jesus]

เพลง A Living Sacrifice

Verse 1
[Starting my new day with my prayer]
[Please change my heart today]
[I will obey You, Lord]
[You give me all]
[I’ll never be the same]

[Oh Lord, please change my life]
[Please renew my heart]
[Please teach me Your way]
[I’ll worship You forever]
[By my living sacrifice]

Verse 2
[Please change the rest of my life]
[I’ll love You more]
[I’ll obey You more]
[I’ll follow Your way]
[And walk in Your righteousness]

[By my living sacrifice]

เพลง Power of Your Love(Lord I come to You)

Verse 1
Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed renewed
Flowing from the grace that I've found in You
Lord I come to know
The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love

Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I'll rise up like the eagle
I will soar with You
Your spirit leads me on
By the power of Your love

Verse 2
Lord, unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love as You live in me
Lord, renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day

เพลง We Worship You

Verse 1
Lord, we depend
On You ‘cos You are everything
That fullfilness our hearts
We believe in You
Lord, You provide everything
Beyond our understanding

We worship You, Lord, our greatest God
There’s nothing too difficult for You to do
We worship You, Lord, our greatest God
And no One can compare to the Lord

เพลง Create In Me A Clean Heart(..O God)

Verse 1
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me

Cast me not away
From Your presence
And take not Your Holy Spirit from me
Restore to me
The joy of Your salvation
And uphold me with Your free Spirit