เพลง Awesome In This Place
Verse 1
Here in this House of the great King
We've come together now to worship Him
This house is built on Christ our rock
Cannot be shaken cannot be shaken
God is awesome in this place
We sense His presence As we sing His praise
There is power here for a miracle
to set the captive free and make the broken whole
God is awesome He's so awesome
God is awesome in this place
I've found where I belong in the living stone
In this House I will grow
เพลง Living Stone
Verse 1
Be well prepared like precious clay
Like living stone in the House of God
Let our hearts be filled with faith
Living our life in His Spirit
Commit our life a sacrifice
Pleasing to Him as those livites
Servant of God our Jesus Christ
Let's come together, go forth in power
Side by side we walk and serve with love together
Let's come together, go forth together
For you and I are sealed together in our Lord
เพลง The Greatest Name
Verse 1
Jesus, the greatest name of all
Wonderful redeemer, our Redeemer
Your name, defeat the sin and death
In You we live forever, forever
There is no other name, all of heaven and earth
Who compares with the power of Your name
Jesus Christ, our Savior, only One, Son of God
You’re alive forever, mighty God!
Verse 2
We lift high the name of Christ
Humbly we cry out to You, cry out to You
Our souls roar with sounds of praise
With every breath we give our all, We give our all
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to our King
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to our King
เพลง Great Is The Lord
Verse 1
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
In the city of God the Holy place
The joy of the whole earth
Verse 2
Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory
He aids us against the enemy
We bow down on our knees
And Lord we want to lift Your name on high
And Lord we want to thank you
For the works You've done in our lives
And Lord we trust in Your unfailing love
For You alone are God eternal
Throughout earth and heavens above