เพลง Jesus Christ Son of God

Verse 1
Jesus Christ, Son of God
I love Your name above all name
Jesus Christ, Son of God
I love You more than all else
You have died for me
Redeem and set me free
There's no other love that can compare

So I'll give You praise
And sing with all my heart
I will give You glory
And my life for pleasing sacrifice to You

เพลง Because He Lives

Verse 1
God sent His Son they called Him Jesus
He came to love heal and forgive
He lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove
My Savior lives

Because He lives I can face tomorrow
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know | I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just
Because He lives

Verse 2
And then one day, I'll cross the river
I'll fight life's final war with pain
And then as death gives way to victory
I'll see the lights of glory
And I'll know He lives

เพลง Inside of Me

What a joy I've found
Since You've filled me with Your Spirit
You took me and You gave me liberty
What a peace I've known
Since You made my heart Your home
You changed my life and now I've been set free
I've got destiny and purpose
I've got everything I need
'Cause His love is everlasting
And His spirit set me free
I've got joy that lasts forever
And a peace you can't conceive
'Cause Jesus He live inside of me

เพลง I’m A New Creation

I'm a new creation, I'm a brand new man
Old things are passed away, I am born again
More than a conqueror, That's who I am
I'm a new creation, I'm a brand new man

Verse 1
Oh hallelujah He redeemed me
I am born again to win
I thank God He justified me
Of His fullness have we
All received of Him

Verse 2
I've received the Christ of Calv'ry
I have no sense of sin
We have a oneness and a fellowship
Delivered from authority of sin

Verse 3
God has wrought for me redemption
One that covers ev'ry need
Perfectly He's restored our fellowship
With no sense of guilt or memory

เพลง It's No Longer I That Liveth

Verse 1
It’s no longer I that liveth
But Christ that liveth in me
It’s no longer I that liveth
But Christ that liveth in me

He lives, He lives
Jesus is alive in me
It’s no longer I that liveth
But Christ that liveth in me

เพลง When The Spirit of The Lord

Verse 1
When the Spirit of the Lord moves in my heart
I will sing like David sang
When the Spirit of the Lord moves in my heart
I will sing like David sang

I will sing, I will sing
I will sing like David sang
I will sing, I will sing
I will sing like David sang