เพลง Take Our Bread
C: Take our bread, we ask You, take our hearts
We love You, take our lives
Oh Father we are Yours, we are Yours
1: Yours as we stand at the table You set
Yours as we eat the bread our hearts can't forget
We are the signs of Your life with us yet
We are Yours, we are Yours
2: Your holy people stand washed in Your blood
Spirit-filled, yet hungry, we await Your food
Poor though we are, we have brought, ourselves to You
We are Yours, we are Yours
เพลง The River of Life
1: When your heart is dry and weary
Your heart cries miserable
And when it is desperate
C: Jesus is river of life
Where you can drink all the time
Nourishes your heart
And give new life
The river of life freely flow
From your heart
T: The river of life freely flow
E: From your heart
เพลง Spirit Song(Jesus O Jesus)
1: O Let the Son Of God Enfold You
With His Spirit and His Love
Let Him Fill Your Heart and Satisfy Your Soul
O Let Him Have the Things That Hold You
And His Spirit Like a Dove
Will Decend upon Your Life and Make You Whole
C: Jesus O Jesus
Come and Fill Your Lambs
Jesus O Jesus
Come and Fill Your Lambs
2: O, Come And Sing The Song With Gladness
As Your Hearts Are Filled With Joy
Lift Your Hands In Sweet Surrenders To His Name
O, Give Him All Your Tears And Sadness
Give Him All Your Years Of Pain
And You’ll Enter Into Life In Jesus Name